Landau, 3rd October 2023
+++Alianza Humboldt in the Senate+++
The week before the decision of the Council of Ministers regarding the creation of the Humboldt Archipelago Marine Reserve, the issue was discussed in the Environment Committee of the Chilean Senate. The meeting was attended by several members of "Alianza Humboldt Coquimbo-Atacama" among others Erika Ahumada (Treasurer of the Fishermen of Los Choros, Chungungo Creek) and Carlos Flores (Director of the Trade Association Pt. de Choros) as guests. The position of Allianza Humboldt was represented by its spokesperson, Nancy Duman, and by Oscar Avilez (La Higuera City Councilman and President of the Pt. de Choros Trade Association).
+++Litigation against the rejection of "Dominga "+++
Also shortly before the decision of the Council of Ministers to protect the Humboldt Archipelago as a "Marine Protected Area of Diverse Use (AMCP-MU)," the mining company Andes Iron filed a lawsuit in the First Environmental Court of Antofagasta against the rejection of their "Dominga" project. The company is seeking to have the June 30 Council of Ministers decision declared illegal (see also "Chile Projects" July 4 and Aug. 19 on this website).
+++Hike in Humboldt Archipelago+++
In mid-August, dedicated members of "Camanchaca" (Young People's Association) organized a two-hour archaeological excursion with snack in Caleta Los Hornos, attended by 25 people. The theme of the hike was "Learning about the assets of the Humboldt Archipelago and its communities". The organizers mainly informed about the worldview of the indigenous people who inhabited the coastal strip of Caleta Los Hornos and their heritage. The legacy continues to have an impact today and represents a high value for the local territorial identity.
+++Teacher Training+++
In mid-August, Sphenisco-Chile organized the two-day seminar "Environmental Education for Sustainability in and with the Humboldt Archipelago" for teachers in Chungungo, municipality of La Higuera. The goal was to promote environmental education in the schools of the Coquimbo region (see also "Projects Chile" of September 11 on this website).
+++World Penguin Congress 2023+++
In early September, experts from around the world met in Viña del Mar, Chile for the 11th International Penguin Congress. More than 200 scientists and experts for the conservation of different penguin species presented and discussed new research results in 75 lectures as well as 86 poster presentations. 3 lectures and 3 poster presentations informed about results of research and education projects that were and are supported by Sphenisco (see also "Projects Chile" of September 22 on this website).
+++Photo exhibition+++
Actually, the photo exhibition about the Humboldt Archipelago, which was so successful last year, was supposed to be shown in other schools of the Coquimbo region in September. However, the continuation of this special kind of environmental education was prevented by an indefinite strike of the teachers. Sphenisco Chile is now planning to start the campaign at the schools in October (see also "Projects Chile" of December 22 on this website).
+++Exchange of experiences with Señora Milagros Ormeño+++
At the end of September, Señora Milagros Ormeño (Acorema) and Werner Knauf (Sphenisco) met for an exchange of experiences via video conference. The conversation was interpreted by Francisco Ruiz (Sphenisco). The focus was the presentation of Señora Milagros Ormeño at the World Penguin Congress in Viña del Mar, Chile. In her presentation, she reported on 12 years of environmental education in southern Peru. This contribution received great resonance and recognition (see also "Projects Chile" of September 22 on this website).
Señora Milagros Ormeño also reported that Acorema is currently continuing environmental education with a course for teachers and is promoting species conservation in public spaces with pictures on walls designed by students. The planned documentation on the situation on the Peruvian breeding islands during El Niño will not be carried out, as the expected results do not justify the effort.
+++"Die Rheinpfalz" reports on Humboldt penguins and Sphenisco+++
"Partial success achieved with petitions and protests" was the headline of the daily newspaper "Die Rheinpfalz", published in Ludwigshafen, in its Landau edition in mid-August. Member Jochem Schatz had taken the initiative and written an article about the decision of the Chilean government and the projects in Chile and Peru. The local editorial office was enthusiastic and published the report with minor changes (see PDF file).
+++"Rusty" Penguins+++
The "rusty" penguins are selling like hot cakes in Landau, Olaf Goldbecker already sent the 3rd delivery with 15 or 16 copies each.
Currently he is promoting the metal figures and the calendar campaign "South America's Wildlife 2024" in the regional press of Gütersloh, after having presented both initiatives in favor of the Humboldt Penguins at the annual meeting of "Rettet den Drill" in Saarbrücken.
+++“Platz schaffen mit Herz+++
Sphenisco is again one of the winners of the campaign "Platz schaffen mit Herz". Like last year, Sphenisco took one of the top places and received a donation of 500 € (see also "Activities in Europe " from September 16 on this website).
+++Species Protection Day in Karlsruhe+++
Also this year, members of Sphenisco were active at the Species Protection Day at Karlsruhe Zoo. Chantal Trauth, Jeannine Schützendübe and Wibke Deimel used the opportunity to talk to small and big penguin interested people (see also "Activities in Europe " from September 18th on this website).
In August and September, Sphenisco's work was supported by small and large donations from the zoological gardens in Halle/Saale, Dublin, Saarbrücken, Branféré (Le Guerno, Brittany) as well as from Kathrin Kühler, Ivona Zorn, Elke Müller, Bernhard Hart, Kathrin Ballenthin, Garry York and the donors at the Species Protection Day in Karlsruhe.
Many thanks to all sponsors and donors!
W. K.
translated by Claudia Fawer