Landau, 6th of October 2024
+++Video podcast “Sintonia Humboldt ”+++
The second season of the weekly video podcast “Sintonía Humboldt” has been running since August 12 (see article Second season of the video podcast “Sintonía Humboldt” launched). The following topics were discussed and debated in the podcast in August and September:
12th of August
“Multi-use Marine Protected Area in the Humboldt Archipelago (AMCP-MU)” with Leonardo Gros, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, Coquimbo Region.
19th of August
“National Plan for the Conservation of the Humboldt Penguin (RECOGE Plan)” with Gerardo Cerda-Gaete from Serna pesca Coquimbo (Fisheries Agency).
26th of August
“Importance of the Humboldt Archipelago” with Dr. Carlos Olavarría, Executive Director of the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA) (Center for Advanced Studies in Arid Areas).
2nd of September
“Sustainable tourism and environmental initiatives in the El Apolillado region” with Arturo Ellis Cataldo, tourism entrepreneur from Punta de Choros.
9th of September
Work of MP Nathalie Castillo and projects she supports, as well as her position on the Dominga mining and port project.
16th of September
No broadcast due to the celebrations in the week of the Chilean National Day on 18th September.
23rd of September
History and the most important struggles for the protection of the territory of MODEMA (Movimiento de Defensa del Medio Ambiente) with the president of the organization Carolina Bahamondes from La Higuera.
30th of September
Work and development of the organization Environmental Defense Region Coquimbo (Environmental Protection Region Coquimbo) as well as expectations regarding the mining and port project Dominga with Valeria Canto Leiva, naturalist, environmental activist and president of Environmental Defense Region Coquimbo.
The Fundación Sphenisco Chile is currently analyzing the reach and resonance of the video podcast. In a next step, the newly established Fundación would like to gain the support of the National Alianza Humboldt for dissemination and achieve better placement on the website of El Comunal La Higuera.
+++Rescue center for marine animals+++
A rescue and rehabilitation center for marine animals on the grounds of the University Católica del Norte in Coquimbo has been under discussion and negotiation for almost a year. It proved difficult to find a partner who was willing and able to take over the care and veterinary treatment of the sick animals. The NGO Conservation Humboldt has now been won over for this task. Cost calculations and a draft agreement between the partners Católica del Norte University, the fisheries authority, Sphenisco and Conservation Humboldt have also been available since the beginning of October. After a thorough review of the documents, a decision will be made on the financing of the project (see article “Together for a rescue center for marine animals”).
+++“Fundación Sphenisco Chile” founded+++
On 20th of May, Nancy Duman, an employee of Sphenisco, applied to the municipality of La Higuera to establish the “Fundación Sphenisco Chile”. The application was reviewed and a positive decision was made at the end of September. This means that the Fundación Sphenisco Chile is now officially registered and able to act with immediate effect.
+++Doctoral scholarship+++
At the end of August, Sphenisco reached an agreement with the University Católica del Norte, represented by Dr. Guillermo Luna, to fund a doctoral scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to Peruvian doctoral student Karen Lau. In her doctoral thesis, she is investigating how the bycatch of Humboldt penguins during the breeding season can be avoided or reduced. The scholarship is sponsored by the Roswith Linden Foundation from Bremen.
+++A dream come true+++
On 3rd of September, the Chungungo Turismo Azul group inaugurated an excursion boat for 24 people. Leonardo Ahumada, treasurer of the group, explained: “We joined forces two years ago to promote tourism in the region and in our bay” (see article “A dream come true” from 12th of September 2024).
+++Environmental Education+++
At the end of August, Señora Milagros announced that Acorema would not be able to complete the educational project “Creating and strengthening spaces for the conservation of the Humboldt penguin on the central coast of Peru” on 31st of August 2024 as planned. It asked Sphenisco to extend the project until the end of December. Sphenisco's approval was submitted to the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (the agency monitors projects carried out in Peru with foreign funds) (see also article from 1st of May 2024).
+++Research on the Ballestas Islands+++
At the beginning of September, Acorema began the research project “Comparative study of the reproductive success of the Humboldt penguin colony on the Ballestas Islands: Effects of Avian Influenza and El Niño”. The NGO had previously obtained permits from the relevant authorities. The 2nd breeding season, which normally begins in August, is currently being documented and evaluated.
During the excursions carried out so far, only 18 breeding pairs were found in sub-colony X (the largest of the 3 sub-colonies), some of which had clutches of eggs. One young bird from the 1st breeding cycle was also identified. During drone flights, only 5 breeding pairs and fewer Humboldt Penguins were observed in sub-colony Z in August.
+++Census of the 2024 population in Peru+++
The census of the population on the most important Peruvian breeding islands took place as planned in February. The publication of the report has been delayed due to health problems of the main author Dr. Patricia McGill from the Saint Louis Zoo. Acorema hopes that the “Census 2024” report will be available soon.
+++Action day at the Halle Mountain Zoo+++
A penguin action day took place again this year at Bergzoo Halle Zoo. On 27.07.2024 it was time! The tried-and-tested team of Conny Spretke and Kathrin Ballenthin was actively supported this year by Renate and Ralf from the Halle Zoo Association, which also organized the event.
Visitors of all ages were able to learn about the Humboldt penguin, its habitat and the numerous threats to which it and all marine creatures on the coasts of Chile and Peru are exposed, listen to exciting anecdotes from the life of the Halle penguin troop, touch feathers and a penguin egg, and a pinch of guano also provided an impressive scent experience for the very brave.
Younger visitors in particular gave free rein to their penguin-inspired imaginations at two large painting and craft tables. A great opportunity to talk to each other and have fun.
The annual fundraising campaign for Sphenisco also met with great support! A great and successful day!”
Author Kathrin Ballenthin
+++Anniversary and species protection+++
On 25th of August, Landau Zoo celebrated its 120th anniversary (see article “Anniversary and Species protection” from 27th of August 2024).
+++Species Conservation Day at Karlsruhe Zoo+++
On Sunday, September 8, the annual “Great Species Conservation Day” took place at Karlsruhe Zoo. On this day, 40 species and nature conservation organizations presented themselves throughout the zoo. Sphenisco traditionally participates with a joint stand with the Society for Species and Population Conservation (ZGAP e.V.) at the penguin enclosure. Thanks to the once again excellent organization by the Karlsruhe Zoo team, everything went “like clockwork”. Perhaps apart from the weather, but fortunately the two small cloudbursts in the late morning did not scare away the very interested zoo visitors. Chantal Trauth and Christina Schubert or Jeannine Schützdendübe with Nicole Betram and Katja Resch presented the work of the organization and gave information about the current projects and goals of Sphenisco. Some zoo school material about penguins was not only of interest to the younger guests at the stand. However, the various quiz sheets (depending on the age group) were particularly popular with them, and there were also small prizes to be won. There were some intensive discussions and many zoo guests certainly went home with a lot more penguin knowledge and tips on protecting the Humboldt penguin on this day.
Author Dr. Christina Schubert
+++Film “on location - species conservation and zoological gardens”.
Chilean partners and friends, especially Nancy Duman, have suggested making a documentary film about “Zoos and Species Conservation”. The film is to be produced in Spanish and German. In Germany, the filming could be carried out by Werner Knauf and “his” team, in Chile by Jean Paul (Fundación Sphenisco Chile). In Peru, this question is still unresolved. The project and script are currently being discussed and the requirements and costs are being examined.
+++Pictures by Jacklyn Glatzfeld for Chile+++
The American artist Jacklyn Glatzfeld from Albersweiler (Palatinate) has lost her heart to (endangered) animal species and supports several conservation organizations with her paintings and books. At the general meeting, Jacklyn Glatzfeld joined Sphenisco and donated 4 of her paintings of a Humboldt penguin to the association. The 4 “penguins” have traveled to Chile and arrived safely with our employee Nancy Duman. They will be on display at events and may be given as gifts to particularly deserving partners and supporters.
+++Calendar “Wildlife of Canada ”+++
It's fall, the season for buying calendars has begun. Since 2017, Olaf Goldbecker has been supporting species conservation projects with charity calendars, steel figures, chocolates and chocolate. Since then, he has raised almost 10,000 euros for species conservation organizations.
The new 2025 calendar (A3 format) has now been published. It consists of wildlife photos from a trip to various national parks in Alberta. Due to the beauty of the landscape, some of the calendar images are pure nature shots this time. As in the previous year, Olaf Goldbecker is using the proceeds from the charity calendar to support the conservation work of “Save the Drill” and Sphenisco.
In keeping with the theme, this year he is offering moose as steel figures. Due to the high demand last year, a new version of the penguin is also available. 10 euros per figure sold will go to the species conservation project concerned.
The “Wildlife of Canada” calendar is available now at a price of €15.
+++Donations, donations, donations+++
In August and September, Sphenisco received donations from Frankfurt a. M. Zoo (nature conservation euro), Bergzoo Halle, Rostock Zoo, Dudley Zoo (West Midlands, England), from visitors to the “Climate, animals & us” campaign days at Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich, from Zoofreunde Halle and the “120 years of Landau Zoo” anniversary, as well as from Roland Gerold (birthday donation from Alina Dallmann), Maximilian Busch and Kathrin Ballenthin. Many thanks to all of them!
W. K.
translated by Claudia Fawer